Question: Is there a situation or pattern in your life that bothers you, but you have grown to accept or expect? Do you wake up every day with a resigned sigh over something at your work, in your family, or even with your own health or habits? These are symptoms of defeat, and I have news for you: the Lord doesn’t want that for you!

The Lord wants victory for you. If you’re a Christian this isn’t news, you’ve heard this, you know this. But here’s the kick-in-the-pants question: How bad do YOU want victory for you?

Being raised as a Christian, I know that we are generally taught that God is love, and that we must love our neighbors, and even love our enemies, praying for those who persecute us (Matt. 5:44). That’s all true, but I just realized the one exception. We are NOT supposed to love or be nice to the devil! God is love, but he has rescinded his love for the devil, since the devil has so fully rejected him. God has no plan of redemption for the devil, and is not currently extending any mercy to him. And neither should we.

I’m not saying that any of us is trying to cuddle with the devil on purpose or anything. It’s not like we’re out there going, “Oh poor devil, you had a rough day? Why don’t you pick on me for awhile so you can feel better.” However, this is actually what we are allowing to happen. As Christians we are so focused on caring for others that we may forget that there is another mode for dealing with the devil. Many of us may just forget to deal with him entirely. Ephesians 6:12 says “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Most of us use this in the context of dealing mercifully with people that are against us or are persecuting us in some way. But we forget that this verse says that we DO fight against the “rulers of darkness”, and rightly so. God made us to take charge against the devil, his stooges, and his attacks. But how?

God made a simple way for us to handle this fallen, flaming turd. James 4:7 says to “Submit yourselves to God, resist the devil, and he shall flee.” says that resist means “to withstand, strive against, or oppose”. This means if the devil tries to attack you in some area, you don’t just sigh and say, “Lord give me patience and endurance”. In fact, for those of you who have a natural stubborn streak (I raise my hand here), or had to repent of being down-right mean when you got saved, this is your moment!

Once you’re in right-standing with God (and beware in case the devil tries to lie to you, saying you aren’t), the way to win is to be as nasty to the devil as possible. It is open season against him, so feel free to out-mean and out-stubborn him. You can call him out. You can taunt him with every way he has been defeated in the past. You can call him names (see “fallen, flaming turd” above). You can laugh at him! You can get creative with this. But whatever you do, quit accepting the attacks of the devil. When you resist, you win. God said it, and his words are more bankable than the dollar in your pocket.